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You are meant for greater things than this life can offer you. Don the robes, wear the hat with pride, you ARE wizard. We believe in you. Don't let the bastards grind you down. Abracadabra.

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Q: What does it mean if your dreaming of being a wizard?
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What does it mean when you dream about being a wizard does it mean you are a wizard or you are going to be one?

No, dreaming about being a wizard does not mean that you are a wizard. In real life, wizards and witches are not different than other people in any way, except that they study and learn the craft and skills of wizardry. Another answer: No, you aren't and won't ever be a wizard, for many different reasons, one of them is that there are no wizards.

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No she was not dreaming. It really happened.

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Yes, lucid dreaming simply refers to becoming "lucid" or aware that one is dreaming.

Dreaming about being in labor the doctors ignore you?

Dreaming about being in labor while doctors ignore you represents feelings of being abandoned by authorities when you need them most.

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What does the wizard mean in the Wizard of Oz when he says he is not a bad man but a bad wizard?

The Wizard is not good (or effective) at doing the things a Wizard does.

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Usually dreams of being chased or attacked mean that you are running from some type of stress. The bull could represent anything, such as a person you know or a concept such as work.

What does dreaming of young rabbits mean and of an old boyfriend who is now married?

you were thinking of being close and peaceful with having a family fulfilment.