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beta wolves are just like others. they eat, howl, growl, sleep, protect, catch food. the only difference is the beta wolves are more fierce. they catch food by themselves but they still live in the pack. they catch food when no on is looking so the other wolves wont try to eat their food. so even though they live in a pack they are still loners.

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Americo Powlowski

Lvl 13
2y ago
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6y ago

Wolves play-fight when they are pups (babies). As they get older they start to hunt with their pack (wolves ususlly live in groups of 3-6). When hunting a pack will surround the prey and one of them will go in to attack the prey. If unsuccessful the wolf will retreat and let another wolf try to kill the prey (this rareley happens), or it will call in the whole pack. Wolves kill by biting the prey on the neck, makes a quick and easy kill for small prey. If it is a large animal like elk, then it takes much effort from the whole pack. Wolves usually eat animals like rabbits, deer, elk, moose and etc. Dogs are direct decendents of wolves.

Wolves are made mostly to keep deer and moose population down, but they spend lots of their time playing and napping and socializing.

Wolves be good

Anything they want.... lol
Wolves pack up with up to thirteen other wolves perhaps more and together they use strategies to hunt their prey. They are extremely smart and also very loving and protective of their members. Also, when an older male wolf reaches a point at his life where he is not so powerful anymore he may be booted out to make room for the younger males vying for his spot. Wolves howl as a way of communication and they are also very playful together.
Hunt. Sleep. Etc.
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7y ago

Many things. They like to play with each other--if they are in packs. If there's water, they'll play in it. They love to play tag, wrestle, annoy the alpha, be merry. They hunt together, working as a single unit to bring down a sick or old game. They adore pups and are rarely seen without them if they are born. They are very much, like humans
It depend on what the wolf's personality is like. Some like to hunt, and others just like to roll around in the grass.

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9y ago

Night, in fact, is the best time for wolves to hunt. Some wolves that have darker pelts (fur) have a better chance at hunting in the dark. It is easy for wolves because the animals they hunt cannot see them (wolves with dark pelts) very well. Great question

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13y ago

They do what they normally would do... eat, hunt, play, sleep, howl... nothing changes besides the weather and the thickness of their coat. Food can be more scarce, so some types of wolves bury food to eat later.

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13y ago

wolves serve an important part in are ecosystem they eat smaller predors and because if they didn't we would have to many dear and the deer would eat all the berries and if the deer eat all the berries the veggetairns will have nothing to eat they also are used to make the dogs we have now if you have a dog you should thank every wolf you see quietly so you don't look like a dork wolves are also very kind if a wolf gets captured it will allow itself to be beaten to death so there you have it that's all i know about wolves

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14y ago

In a pack, they're are different types of members(Alpha,Alphess) are the leaders. they protect and guard the pack. whenever they have pups(Alpha pup) they are treated with much respect. if you mess with the pups. you mess with the whole pack.

Sub Alphess and alpha

two wolves, should be mates, that sub for the main leaders if they cant help.


That is a alpha in training or sub alpha in training.

With the whole pack you have your very own territory, and den. with the den you have safety!

Hope i helped

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12y ago

Wolves are very life full animals: Omegas, will keep alert, seeing if there are any dangers to the Alpha, and protecting their pack (family), and just keeping out the way of the Alpha. Betas will play with the cubs and feed them, protect the Alpha, hunt, and kill the prey (animal they choose to kill). And the Alpha, will command what the wolves will do, she will probably be resting, keeping out of danger, and choosing which animal to kill. And in mting season, the Alpha will normally mate with an Beta, and sometimes with an Omega.

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12y ago

Wolves do things like any other animal does.







you name it -.-

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