"In the water, harp seals propel themselves by moving their hind flippers left and right. On land they move by hopping on their belly, without the support of their limbs." You can check out this link to also find more information and facts on Harp Seals: http://www.gan.ca/animals/harp+seals.en.html (Bibliography) Global Action Network. "Global Action Network: Animals: Harp Seals." Global Action Network: Home. 25 May 2009 . Good luck! ❤
The rear flippers of a whale are called flukes. They are broad and flat, and are used for propulsion and steering while swimming.
it helps them swim
yes to swim around
it moves by using it's flippers and back.
the beluga it with its tail and flippers
The Blue Whale has a small Dorsal Fin as well as its Flukes (tail) and its Flippers.
by using flippers modified forelimbs
with a blow hole. A blue whale surfaces a breathes through it's blowhole, and it can hold it's breath for hours.
Their hind flippers are for propelling them and their front flippers are for steering.
The descriptive features of the humpback whale include two blowholes and notched flukes (tail). The pectoral fins are 1/3 the length of the animal and are the largest flippers of any whale.