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Q: What does a platypuss do during the night?
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What is the epesode on south park called were Kenny turns into a platypuss?

It is called "Damien" and is in the first season, and to be accurate he is turned into a DUCK BILLED platypuss.

What is the correct term for a baby platypuss?


Are platypuss scared of people?

no they are very playful

What is a hot platypuss?

A rolly polly that is a dancing king.

What species does a duck billed platypuss belong to?

The platypus is a mammal that lays eggs.

How many feet does a platypuss have?

A platypus has four feet, one on the end of each of its four legs.

Is it better to move in deserts during the day or at night?

during the night

What did shakespeare do during the day and night?

He worked during the day and slept during the night, one supposes.

What is a good conclusion to finish off a report about a platypus?

platypuss like tea so in a british accent say to it would you like a cup of tea luv

What is the duration of During One Night?

The duration of During One Night is 1.4 hours.

Why do hedgehogcome at night?

They are noucturnal, which means they sleep during the day and are awake during the night.

What does a ladybug do during day and night?

ladybugs are active during the day, so they can gather as much food as they can for the night.