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by finding it, unless its ecosystem had been distroyed, then it dies

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Food (Bamboo) and Water

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Q: What does a panda need that is provided by it's habitat in order to live?
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In what habitat does the giant panda live?

They live in Bambo forests

What is a Giant Panda's Habitat?

Mostly China or can live in the rainforest.

What is the habitat of the red panda?

Red Panda are native to the Himalayas, where they live at elevations of 6,000 to 16,000 feet.

What other animals live in panda bears habitat?

snow leopored

What is the climate in a panda's habitat?

Pandas live in a cold damp climate.

What is the biggest threat to a giant panda?

Humans - we destroy their habitat and used to shoot them. If you mean predator as in wild animal, then it is probably a large cat depending on where they live.

In what natural habitat does a giant panda live?

The natrul habitats of pandas are in the rainforests of china.

What is the life span of a giant panda?

A Giant Panda can live up to 50 to 60 years depending pm the health,weather and habitat.

Where is the habitat of the giant panda?

Giant pandas live in bamboo forests of central China.

Do pandas live in snowy habatits?

It does occasionally snow in the panda's habitat but the area is normally snow free.

What is the habitat of a giant panda?

Jungle? Asia? actually they eat only bamboo and they live in china in bamboo forests

What can we do to help save pandas?

theres not much we can do if were not in a place with panda's but we can sponser a panda! Theyll send you pictures and you just need to send money, and theyll feed the Panda and give it somewhere to live