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Horse sales websites often use a scale to show a horses temperament, usually from 1 to 10. On most sites 1 is bombproof (extremely safe) and 10 is hot (Extremely excitable). So a temperament of 2 likely means that the horse is bombproof and good natured as a general rule.

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Q: What does a horses temperament of 2 mean?
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it depends on the horse. horses dont all have a single fear, some are scared of cars, others of people. it all depends on their temperament

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When looking for a first horse why should you ask about the horses temperment?

when you are getting your first horse it is very important that the horse has a good temperament, one that does not spook or bite and is clam and does not care very much about things, as to ensure safety to the owners and rider especially if they do not know a lot about horses. Horses with a high temperament can be a lot of work and need a very confidant person to handle them.

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Horses are never dangerous, they never try to hurt you on purpose. if you mean is the sport the whole horse riding showing competing thing dangerous yes it can be,its not safe if you are riding its a risk sport but many people take the risk and are fine. some horses can be aggressive but if your afraid then you should pick a horse with a nice temperament. but there never dangerous.

For a horse's temperament what does 1 mean and what does 10 mean?

A horse with a temperament score of 1 would be extremely calm and docile, almost to the point of being lethargic. On the other hand, a horse with a temperament score of 10 would be very high-strung and reactive, easily startled and prone to overreacting to stimuli.

What does temperament mean for a horse?

They usually have a calm temperament.-ScarletChick on horse isle

Can you home alpacas and horses in the same field?

It does depend what your horse and/or alpaca can put up with and what their temperament is like but you can. Alpacas can get along with any livestock.