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"harder, long neck." "put that carrot in the vegetale soup."

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Q: What does a giraffe's mating call sound like?
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The female tiger's call is typically a soft, low, moaning sound that is used to communicate with male tigers or during mating rituals. It is not as loud or deep as the male tiger's roar.

What sound does a giraff make?

Giraffes make a noise like its name, they say gee-raffe.i dont think a girrafe makes a sound does it maybe it is like a coowing sound or somthing maybe its like a snort or it could sound simmaler to a horse they are all possible but i really dont think they make a distinkt sound i dont think a girrafe makes a sound does it maybe it is like a coowing sound or somthing maybe its like a snort or it could sound simmaler to a horse they are all possible but i really dont think they make a distinkt sound

What do you call the sound made by a giraffe?

It doesn't make a sound. - Actually it produces a very low pitched hum (most likely due to the very long neck and large chest) that humans can't hear. Like with bat noises you can frequency shift the giraffe noises to listen to them.

Can giraffes yawn?

No but they make a noise that sounds like barking

What dp giraffes eat?

Well giraffes are kind of what i would call herbivores but not really. You'll usually see them eating like plants for example leaves. You can actually make an investigation and go to the zoo. You can also ask the people who work there about giraffes.

Why do people like the bones of giraffes?

:(. i luv giraffes

What kind of sound do giraffe's make?

Calves (baby giraffes) bleat and make a mewing call. Cows (female giraffes) seeking lost calves bellow. Courting bulls (male giraffes) sometimes let out a loud cough! Also, giraffes have been heard snorting, moaning, snoring, hissing, and making strange flutelike sounds!

What does the Gila monsters mating call sound like?

The Gila monster's mating call is not well documented, as they are generally solitary animals. However, during the breeding season, males may emit low-frequency vocalizations that are often described as growls or hisses. These calls are used to attract females and establish dominance among males.

What is a giraffes home like?

a giraffes home has trees with lots of leaves.

Alligator mating sound?

Male alligators can produce a deep, bellowing sound called a "bellow roar" to attract females during mating season. This sound is produced by expelling air from their lungs and vibrating their vocal cords. The bellow roar can be heard over long distances and is used by male alligators to establish dominance and attract mates.