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dolphins use their melons to produce sound waves.

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15y ago

the melon allows the dolphin to echolocate its food by rebounding sound off of surfaces back to the melon or to communicate with other dolphins.

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15y ago

dolphin melons are in front of the dolphins brain, it allows the dolphin to sense its food from miles away by using echolocation.

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Related questions

What is a dolphin melon?

Because its Shaped Like One

Is a dolphins melon its brain?

no the melon is used to help them focus on the sounds they sent off during echolocation

Where are bottle nose dolphins manly fond in the world?

bottlenose dolphins, spinner dolphins, melon-headed whale, killer whale(orca) and common dolphins are found worldwide mainly offshore in warm seas

What is another name for a dolphin's forehead?

The fancy/other name for a dolphins name is a called a melon.

What name is the Organ in head whales dolphins used for echolocation?

Melon. Try googling 'Melon whales' and the information is in Wikipedia. My reason for wanting the answer is that a clue in a general knowledge crossword was about this.

What are the parts of a dolphins?

The body parts of a dolphin is... Beack, Blowhole, Dorsal fin, Ears, Eyes, Fluke, Flipper, Median, a Notch and a Melon.

What are parts of a dolphins body?

The body parts of a dolphin is... Beack, Blowhole, Dorsal fin, Ears, Eyes, Fluke, Flipper, Median, a Notch and a Melon.

What do melon headed dolphins eat?

Peponocephala electra is commonly called the melon-headed whale as well as many-toothed blackfish and electra dolphin. Their primary diet is squid. They live far off shore in all the world's tropical and subtropical oceans.

What melon has a outside that looks like a web?


How do you spell melon?


What does melon scratcher mean?

Melon scratcher..Melon = head so melon scratcher is a head scratcher or puzzler.

What is the difference between a melon and a cantaloupe?

No, melon is a category of fruit and cantaloupe is in the melon family