Who will win in a fight between a german shepherd and a crocodile?
Hopefully both, that is if they eat the owner.
A pitbull was/is bred for fighting,have fighting abilities,
offense and defense and knows how to kill a dog no matter the size.
A cane corso may have been a fighting dog in the past but not bred
for it. A 70lb. GAME pitbull would kill a 150lb. cane corso or have
the cane corso disabled and ready to be killed within 10 minutes
because of the GAME pitbull's instincts for fighting and their
adrenaline rush allows them to ignore pain in a fight. If you put a
bigger corso on the GAMEDOG the gamedog automatically knows how to
control the action and stay out of trouble from being bit down. A
pitbull knows where to bite(the muzzle or nose,the nuts or stifle)
and have instinctual genetic fighting skills not to mention natural
stamina, where as a cane corso being so large would get tired in
5-10minutes and aren't genetically bred to take bone crushing
biting power like the Game bred APBT. It would be like Floyd
Mayweather Jr. vs howard stern.