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baluga whales eat fish such as sharks or trout and your big little boys and girls. :)

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12y ago

a bluga whale eats fish and squid

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Q: What does a buluga whale eat?
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Is a buluga whale a mammal?

Yes, a Beluga is a cetacean, and a mammal.

What animal eats a whale?

This animal is a whale too and its call a Killer Whale eat could eat a Blue Whale.

Is it possible for a whale to eat a human?

no for a normal whale sometimes for a killer whale if there is no seals or baby whales to eat!!!!

Does a whale eat a dolphin?

An Orca (killer whale) will hunt and eat Dolphin.

What type of whale do the inuit eat?

Beluga Whale and Bowhead Whale.

Does a killer whale eat a blule whale?

there usual diet is seals and smaller creatures but no it would not eat a blue whale.

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The Antonov An-225 by far.

What whale's eat?

they eat fish

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No it can't

Can whale sharks eat whales?

The whale Shark is a filter feeder and wouldn't be able to eat a whale unless the whale had been sent through a meat grinder first.

How does the baby whale eat from the mother whale?

A baby whale drinks its mothers milk