Black leopards and jaguars are born black. The black panther is merely one of these two cats.
No, not likely.
cubs or kittens
yes it is
A Black Panther eats Feral Hog,White Tailed Deer,raccoon,armadillo,rabbits,rats,birds,and sometimes alligatorsDO people eat panthers?
becease it is black
A male panther is simply called a panther. A female panther is called a she-panther and a baby panther is called a cub.
Black Panther temrature
There is no such thing as a Black Panther- it is a term used to describe both black jaguars and black leopards, which have different weights. Therefore there is no set weight for a "black panther."
No, black panthers are obligate carnivores and would rarely eat scavenged meals.
A black panther may be either a melanistic jaguar or a melanistic leopard. Both are obligate carnivores and must eat meat. They eat no plants.
Black Panther Cubs. They are cute. :)