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Arctic hare need a lot of food if they can not find any food that they eat they will eat bark.

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Q: What does a arctic hare need to survive?
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How does thick fur help an Arctic hare and an Arctic fox survive during the winter?

It helps them by keeping them warm.

Is the Arctic hare a carnivore herbivore or a omnivore?

The Arctic Hare is an herbivore.

How arctic hare different from hare that live outside the arctic?

arctic hare live in the arctic when other hares don't live in the arctic

How does thick fur help an arctic hare and an arctic for to survive during the winter?

Both animals are protected from the cold by their thick fur.

Does the arctic hare have camouflage?

how does a Arctic hare camouflage

What adaptations does the Arctic hare have to survive in its habitat?

The adaptations the Arctic Hare to survive are that they have large hind feet that allows them to move very fast across the snow. They also have claws that help them to dig through snow when they are looking for moss and other vegetables to eat.

What is an arctic hare?

An arctic hare is a species of hare that lives in the Arctic tundra regions of Canada, Greenland, and Northern Europe. They have adaptations such as thick fur and large hind feet to help them survive in the cold climate. Arctic hares are herbivores, feeding on a variety of plants and grasses.

Why is the Arctic hare called that?

THe arctic hare live tundra

What is the Arctic hare's phylum?

The Arctic Hare is from the phylum Chordata.

What is the difference between the arctic hare and the snowshoe hare?

the snow hare is slightly larger and more muscular

How does an Arctic hare survive?

An Arctic Hare freezes, hoping not to be spotted. Then, if it must, it uses speed to escape predators. It changes its brownish coat to a white coat in winter, to help it be less noticeable against the snow.

How does an Arctic hare live in the winter?

arctic hares survive because they have krypton in their blood, like superman. They also have spidey senses and yellow blood.