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Tasmanian devils are carnivorous marsupials of Australia. They are nocturnal hunters, but they also scavenge carrion. Although they are very shy and will not confront a person, they can be very aggressive with their own kind when defending food or territory. One of their effective defence mechanisms is to emit a foul smelling odour.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Tasmanian devils occupy a very unique niche in their environment. They are assisted by numerous adaptations.

  • The most noticeable adaptation of Tasmanian devils is its excellent senses. It will use its strong sense of smell to locate carrion during the day, but especially at night. This is how it feeds.
  • The Tasmanian devil is nocturnal, and an animal that prefers dense bushland shelter. Its black coat with white stripe provides excellent camouflage in both the night, and in dense bushland and undergrowth.
  • Tasmanian devils can also emit a pungent odor as a defence mechanism when threatened.
  • It has a frightening devil-like shriek, enough to scare away a curious predator, even though this noise is usually emitted during territorial fights, rather than as a defence.
  • The Tasmanian devil is a scavenger, eating dead animals already killed by other animals, and on roadkill. There are no dingoes on the island of Tasmania, so the Tasmanian devil is the largest carnivorous marsupial on Tasmania. Devils also hunt live prey.
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12y ago

The Tasmanian Devil is not aggressive towards other species, but it is very territorial, and thus aggressive towards others of its own kind.

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11y ago

Tasmanian devils are wild animals. They do not have "fun".

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8y ago

its jaw able t open very wide

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How do you spell tasmanian devil?

Tasmanian devil is the correct spelling.

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Tasmanian devils do not eat other live Tasmanian devils. They will, however, readily feed on the carcass of another Tasmanian devil that has died.

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No, the Tasmanian devil does not live in the desert.

What is the status of a Tasmanian devil?

The Tasmanian devil has a conservation status of Endangered.

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The Tasmanian devil belongs to the class Mammalia.

What is the status of the Tasmanian devil?

The Tasmanian devil has a conservation status of Endangered.

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How do you make a Tasmanian devil on alxemy?

rat + pouch = tasmanian devil

What is the geography of a Tasmanian Devil?

A "Tasmanian Devil" is an animal. As such it does not have any geography. The Term "geography" can only be applied to land not animals. For instance you could as "What is the geography of Tasmania" or "What is the geographical habitat of the Tasmanian Devil" but not "What is the geography of a Tasmanian Devil".For the habitat of the Tasmanian devil, see the related question.

Is a Tasmanian Devil nocturnal?

Yes - Tasmanian devils are nocturnal. The Tasmanian Devil hunts primarily at night.

What are some differences between the thorny devil and the Tasmanian devil?

the thorny devil is a lizard and the tasmanian devil is sort of a dog. also the tasmanian devil lives in tasmania and the thorny devil lives in south australia

Is a Tasmanian devil real.?

No the Tasmanian devil isn't a real devil but they can be quite ferocious. :) this is probably why they got their name (devil).