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when the IUCN declared the red pandas an endangered species it means that the red pandas population is dying out...

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Q: What does IUCN mean that are declaring red pandas are endangered?
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Where are moose endangered?

The moose is not endangered. It is listed as a species of least concern by IUCN.

How endangered are pandas?

If you mean, why are pandas endangered, i can answer that. Pandas are endangered because people are cutting down their forests. Also, hunters have been hunting pandas for their fur. There are only about maybe 1,000 pandas living in the wild now.

What does IUCN mean?

The letters "IUCN" Red List, stand for the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Red List. An Endangered Species List with status and populations trends listed for endangered species. For more details, see the sites listed below.

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I imagine they're too rare and deep-sea to be endangered by humans, but if by "endangered" you mean "not many are likely to exist" then yeah, probably.

How did the red panda become endangered?

some Chinese are being mean and killing the red pandas so that they could have fur coats and the tail because it is very valuable

Are pandas mean?

Yes, they are mean to humans because, humans kill pandas for there fur. :(

Are pandas awesome?

Yes of course pandas are awesome I mean seriously like who doesn't like pandas?!?!?

Do pandas have spines?

If you mean spinal columns, yes pandas have them. If you mean prickly spines, such as the porcupine or hedgehogs have, the answer is no.

How endangerd are snow tigers?

I guess "nonexistent" is pretty endangered ...If you mean snow leopards, they're considered "endangered" by the IUCN (on a scale that goes "extinct", "extinct in the wild", "critically endangered", "endangered", "threatened", "vulnerable", "least concern" where "least concern" can mean anything from "there seem to be enough of them" to "there's too darn many of them").If you mean white tigers ... there are no known white tigers in the wild. They're not "extinct", though, because white tigers are just Bengal tigers that happen to be white; the gene for "whiteness" is recessive, so white tigers are uncommon unless they're specifically bred for, and white tigers have disadvantages compared to their orange littermates (a defect in the visual portion of their brain makes them tend to be clumsy until they learn to compensate), so it's unusual for a wild-born one to survive to adulthood. Bengal tigers generally are also listed as "endangered" by IUCN.

What do mountain pandas eat?

I have no idea what you mean by "mountain pandas". Both red and giant pandas are found in mountainous areas.

Why are zebras endangered?

Zebras are endangered because of poaching and habitat destruction.

What is the endangered mean?

(of flora or fauna) in imminent danger of extinction; "an endangered species"