There are dog grooming training classes available, both online and in person. It is often not necessary, and you might be hired without completing a training program.
My first suggestion would be to check out your local vocational/technical school to see if they offer any classes. My other suggestion would be to check out local dog grooming agencies and see if you can get a job there and learn more as you go.
Perhaps some of these? Concord School of Pet Grooming Tennessee Animal Shelter Murfreesboro, TN Pet Grooming
Federal Student loans are available only for educational purposes. A dog grooming school would not qualify as such.
The Boston, MA area has several dog grooming schools. Barks and Whistles is an example of one such professional dog grooming school in the Boston.
No you can learn on the job.
Dog grooming schools are located throughout the country. The National Dog Groomers Association of American offers a list of schools and other information on styling/grooming.
Information about mobile dog grooming can be found on Learn To Groom. This site provides information on all aspects of mobile grooming, from learning to groom dogs to setting up a mobile grooming shop.
We offer dog grooming courses and facilities which are second to none to ... offer all the latest information relating to Allbreed Dog Grooming and Dog Grooming
You can find dog-grooming school in your local area and also online. If you find one online make sure it covers all the basics and you get certified after. But be aware of the added expense involved with an online course as you will need to pay the nearest dog grooming salon a fee to let you do your hands on experience to finish the course.
There are several sites (like those through that can teach you some grooming basics. However, this will not be enough to get you a career in the field.
"No, one does not need a dog grooming table in their home. You might need one if you have a dog that needs constant grooming or if you wanted to start a dog grooming service."