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She's crying because she is in heat and it's in her nature to breed. Either let her mate or get her fixed so that she doesn't have these urges.

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Q: What do you do if your dog is on her period and is always crying?
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he should get fixed

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Is crying a symptom of starting your period?

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A child crying is a potential sign of danger. A dog circling a crying child is a sign of concern - by the dog for the child.

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Because your dog feels all the emotions you are expressing. If someone was crying you would maybe sympathize with them, that is basically what your dog is doing.

Why you always crying?

you are always crying because when something bad happens or someone mean does something to you your body reacts and feels upset i am always crying because i am ussaly upset because nobody plays with me if you are strong just try your best not to cry

Why are you always crying?

you are always crying because when something bad happens or someone mean does something to you your body reacts and feels upset i am always crying because i am ussaly upset because nobody plays with me if you are strong just try your best not to cry

Your dog is shaking and crying?

He might be sad or really cold.

Which country is always crying?

A sad one

Your dogs acting strange crying a lot?

If your dog is crying a lot there is probably something wrong with it and you should take it to your veterinarian to have it checked over.

Is your dog crying because she could see your dead dog from years ago?

no way- no way- unless he/she is magical no

You felt that always crying-what is the name of this disorder?

depression i am guessing?