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There is no need to do anything. Possums are harmless unless cornered.

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15y ago
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13y ago

nothing. leave it alone. it probably lives in a tree in the neighbourhood. They cause no damage in most gardens unless you have fruit trees.

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13y ago

Absolutely nothing. Ignore it, and it will ignore you. It's also best to keep cats and dogs away.

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12y ago

animal control...if that dont help,run for your life.

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14y ago

leave it alone its harmless

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4y ago

What to do is you find a a possum in your house

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Q: What do you do if you see a possum on your porch?
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If you find a possum on your porch in the middle of the night eating garbage and you scare it off will it tend to come back to the porch?

Usually, if they find a source of food they will come back to check on it again. Best thing is remove the source of food or kill the possum next time it returns.

How far can the possum see?

as far as it wishes

Is there such a thing as a white brush tail possum?

There is indeed such a thing as a white Common Brushtail possum, but it is uncommon. See related link.

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Dill and Jem see the shadow of Atticus Finch when Jem is on the porch of the house.

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What is Georgia's state possum?

Georgia's state possum is the POGO possum

What is the name of a tree climbing marsupial?

There are several:Tree-kangarooKoalaPossum, e.g. Ringtail possum, Brushtail possum, Honey possum, Leadbeater's possum, Pygmy possum, etcOpossumQuollPhascogaleSugar gliderFeathertail gliderSquirrel gliderGreater gliderMahogany gliderYellow-bellied gliderCuscus

What does te possum mean?

you possum.

How do you upload pictures to Facebook?

on the porch you can see the words written reply photo

How is merino possum made?

There is no such thing as a merino possum. However, "possum merino yarn" is a blend of possum fur and fine Merino wool, made in New zealand, where the possum is an introduced pest.

What is the singular form of the word of possum?

The singular form of the word "possum" is possum. The plural is possums.

Why do possum have large eyes?

Possums have big eyes because they are nocturnal and it helps them see in the dark.