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Call your local vet. If you can, rub your hands down your horses legs, checking for bumps, scratches, and heat differences between legs.

Check your horse's back for heat or bumps, and talk to other horse owners. It could be that your horse is misinterpreting your signals.

If your horse is well accustom to you and your ways, and this is abnormal behavior, this could be a serious condition.

When in doubt, ask a more senior horse owner for advice. Or give your local horse vet a call, they might have some ideas and not need to come out to the barn.

Hope that helps.

(I know because I have worked with horses for years and I help manage a barn of 60+ injury prone horses. The vet has an established parking zone. Really. )

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Q: What do you do if the horse is in pain and wont let you pick her feet up?
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