

What do you call webbing of both hands and feet?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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17y ago

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I'm unsure about webbing of the feet, but webbing on the fingers is called syndactyly.

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Q: What do you call webbing of both hands and feet?
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feet webbing. or webbed foot.

Does a German Shepherd have webbing on their feet?

No, they do not.

What kind of feet do echinoderms have?

The echidna is not a large animal, so it has small feet. Unlike its fellow monotreme, the platypus, it does not have feet with retractable webbing. On the other hand, it shares with the platypus the characteristic of feet with very sharp claws for digging.

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All dogs have a bit of skin webbing between their toes. As for their feet being webbed like a ducks, no, they do not have duck webbed feet.

Does a platypus walk or swim?

Both. The platypus has four legs. When on land, it walks. When in water, it swims. Its feet have retractable webbing between the toes. This means it can swim effectively, but it can also dig on land because the webbing retracts to expose the sharp claws.

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The flying frogs have full webbing between there fingers and toes, large hands and feet and lateral skin flaps beetween there arms and legs. So despite there name the flying frog actually can't fly it just glides using all the webbing and skin flaps.

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Snow monkeys have five digits on their hands and five digits on their feet. They will walk using both their hands and feet to carry them, but are also seen walking upright.

Does a goose have a webbed feet?

Yes. All swans have webbed feet as the webbing helps them swim.

Do platypuses have limbs?

Platypuses have feet with retractable webbing. They have webbed feet which help when they are swimming, but their unique design is such that the webbing membrane can be retracted when the platypus needs to dig. As the webbing retracts, the sharp claws are exposed, and the delicate webbing is not damaged by the digging action.

What do you call the bones in the hands and feet?

The bones in the hands are called metacarpals, while the bones in the feet are called metatarsals.

Do dog's have webbed feet?

Some dog breeds do have webbing between their toes.

What are the special feature of tiger?

One is that they have webbing in their feet allowing them to swim better.