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Q: What do you call the male that is not neutreed and before he is mature?
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What do you call a mature male chicken?

rooster you actually call a mature male chicken a cock. rooster is just a common name for them. you call a young male chicken a cockerell

What do you call mature male?

An adult.

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What is the name of a mature male dog?

A mature male dog is generally called a "dog" or a "stud."

What is a mature male lamb?

A mature male sheep is called a ram.

What do you call a a teen dog?

They are caled puppies.

Can a guy get a girl pregnant before his balls have dropped?

It is very unlikely for a male to be able to impregnate a female before his testicles have fully descended and he is producing mature sperm. Typically, testicles descend well before a male becomes sexually mature and is capable of reproduction.

What is a feminine of cow?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun for a mature female bovine is cow.The noun for intact mature male bovines is bull.The noun for a male castrated before reaching puberty is steer.The noun for a male castrated after puberty is stag.

What is a mature male?

A boar

Do crayfish come male and female?

All female crayfish have eggs inside them. However, she must be mature before they can be used. The female does need a male crayfish in order to have babies.

Why does the female squash flowers drop off before mature?

The female flower on a squash plant produces the squash when mature but will need pollination by a male flower. This can be done by transfering pollen from the anther of the male flower to the stigma of the female flower. Either an insect or person can do this.

How old does a male miniature Doberman have to be before he can breed?

Male miniature dobermans can be bred starting 6 month old. Dogs, male and female, are sexually mature at 6 months of age.