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In England we call it 'cocking' their leg.

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Q: What do you call the action of dog lifting the leg?
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When should a dog start lifting their leg to urinate?

2 seconds prior.

What do you call a dog with broken leg?


First reptail First reptail on earth which has no leg?

a Dog but not just any old dog a dog call ahuberfend

What happens when you dye your hair purple and add dog pee?

Try it & let us know. Maybe u start lifting your leg.

Why do dogs urinate on human urine?

Urination in the dog world is a sign of dominance or possession. When a dog lifts its leg on something, it's saying to the other dogs that sniff it, "This is mine." By lifting his leg on a human, a dog is assuming a dominant possessive role toward that person and more than likely needs some serious training.

what for an individual with an open fracture of the leg what would be an appropriate action?

have the person lay down

What do you call a leg less dog?

You don't as he will not come anyway. A joke making the rounds that is not very funny.

Which quarterback started the leg lifting tactic?

payton manning

How is skeletal muscles involved with lifting your leg back?

Yes it is

Why do girls sometimes lift the leg up while they kiss?

The lifting of the leg is a physical reaction to a mental reaction that raptures one's senses. Most people are unaware that they are actually lifting their leg if you point it out to them afterwards. The symbolism that I see is that she is "turned on.

Why does your dog grab your leg with his leg and pulls you along?

Maybe the dog is fustrated

What is moving the leg towards the body?

Contraction of the hip flexor muscles, specifically the iliopsoas and rectus femoris, moves the leg towards the body in a motion known as hip flexion. The action of these muscles allows the thigh to move towards the torso, such as when lifting the knee during walking or sitting.