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crazier than a run-over dog/crazier than an outhouse rat
messed up
a head case
off the deep end
off his rocker

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Q: What do you call someone who is more crazy than just 'nuts' or 'bananas'?
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What does whack mean as in whack job?

Wack job means a person who is psycho, insane, or just someone who is being crazy. The word wacky means someone who is acting in a foolish, crazy manner. So if you call someone a wack job then you are telling them they are irregular and are psycho.

What to do when a friend is crazy?

Call them Bobsome times there not really crazy thet is just there act

Who do you call when you spy a crazy person?

First of all it's not against the law to have mental illness. If the person's behavior is not harming anyone but just appears 'crazy' to you, then you do nothing but avoid that person if you are uncomfortable. Only when a person's behavior is a threat to others or themselves, do you need to call someone. You call 911. The responders should be trained to deal with 'crazy' behavior.

What is being crazy?

I personally wouldn't call anyone crazy. I would just say they have a medical condition.

What do you call bananas that are friends with monkeys?

monkna just like a name

How do you make someone go crazy?

to make someone coocoo just do this:annoypretend to be a babybitethats all

What is the meaning of driving you completely bananas?

Answer 1 'Banana' comes from burlesque, c. 1920s; 'Banana' is a comedian, 'top banana' as main comic and 'second banana' as straight man. To 'go bananas' is for an unsuccessful act; dogs, dancers, etc. to convert to a comic act, usually slapstick, badly underrehearsed and desperate. Answer 2 (idiomatic) To go mad I just told her that she couldn't have any pudding until she'd finished her main course, and she went bananas! Sl. to go mildly crazy. Sorry, I just went bananas for a minute. I thought he was going to go bananas. to become very angry She'll go bananas if she sees the room in this state. to become very emotional I just went bananas when she told me she wanted to move out.

Your boyfriend is 35 you are 17 what do you tell your parents?

I would not mention this if I were you. Additionally, I would date someone your own age. He would have been your age when you were born. Now call me crazy, but that's just weird.

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hey i just met you....... and this is crazy... but heres my number so call me maybe

Why did Anne call herself a little bundle of contradiction?

well anne might just be crazy.

What is it called when someone who is crazy and accuses a normal person as being crazy?

I don't think its got its own name, i think its just being a hypocrite.

Is people that are named Amiracle crazy?

No, having the name Amiracle does not inherently make someone crazy. It is just a name like any other, and should not be used to make assumptions about someone's mental state.