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Baboon fail

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Q: What do you call a baboon who failed his math test?
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What do you say to your parents when you failed a math test?

tell the truth and hope that u won't get yelled at

What is the opposite of pity?

The opposite of the word 'pitiful' is 'fortunate'.

Are you going to fail the math test?

I already failed the last two so of course this one too.

Ive taken the GED test and failed the math How can you retake only the math part to finish the test?

Talk to your teacher about it and maybe he/she will talk to you about how you can retake the test or ask if you can go to class before or after school to take the test again and just hope he/she does let you retake the test. :)

What is the correct grammar for the following sentence careless as he was he failed the test?

The correct grammar can be written as such: * He was careless; thus, he failed the test. * He failed the test because he was careless. * Because he was careless, he failed the test. * Since he was careless, he failed the test. * He failed the test since he was careless. * He failed the test, for he was careless. * He was careless. He failed the test. * He failed the test. He was careless.

What happened if I failed the CPT test?

CPT stands for College Placement Test. It is not a pass or fail test. This test is given to determine the level of math, English, and reading courses a student needs to start in.

In an examination 70 percent of the candidates passed in English 65 percent passed in Mathematics and 27 percent failed in both subjects What is the pass percentage?

Answer:100% (all students who took the test).Since 27% failed in both, then 73% are remained to be discussed.Since 70% passed in English, 65% passed in Math and 27% failed in both,Then, failed in English = (100% - 70%) = 30%.Failed only in English = 30% - 27% = 3%.Failed in Math = (100% - 65%) = 35%.Failed only in Math = 35% - 27% = 8%.So total % of students failed = failed in both subjects + failed in English only + failed in Math only = 27% + 3% + 8%= 38%.So passed in both subjects = 100% - 38% = 62%.Answer: In that exam 62% passed in both subjects.

What sentence you can put snivel?

The sniveling child wiped his runny nose on his sleeve.

What they call spartan women who failed the school test?

There was no school test, it is a modern invention. You would fail the school test if you can't write a question in better English that that above.

On the test is there a math test for a cna?

There is a math test for on the cna test

Your son failed his urine test for cocaine after being clean but was on antibotic and pain medication for a bad tooth plus ambesol medication you were giving him?

uuummmm.....B.S. He may have failed a "panel" of the drug test but that would be for barbituates most likely, NOT cocaine! Demand to see the stick and if a home test call the number on the back and find out which panel failed.