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there is no such thing as a werewolf, however, there is such a thing as a loups humains, which means wolf human in french, i should know, i am one, (believe me, you will understand if you keep reading).

loups humains are the tiniest bit bigger than a real wolf, also, you don't change only on the full moon, whenever you feel like it you can, however, you HAVE to change on the full moon, doesn't matter, and the closer you are to the full moon, the faster you can change. there are 4 stages, griffes, which means claws, so you only can put out claws, and teeth. musculaires, that means you get claws, fangs, and muscle. mi-loup, which means half wolf, its what you see i movies alot. and then loup, which is wolf, the most common form, you can go into the form, and walk into a group of wolves, they wont notice.

well anyways, we like to... run, howl, fool with humans, battle, hunt, party (in human form)

well... hope it helped!

(i never know how to add comments to this stupid thing so I'll say it on here)

You can't just walk into a pack. They'll kill you before you get ten feet into their territory because they are so Territorial and second of all even if you some how got in and they didn't kill you and you didn't kill them, wolves would smell the human on you. Wolves don't like you because you smell like both humans and wolves. They get nervous and don't know how to act. It takes years and lots of patients to gain their trust.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

According to ancient legend, werewolves would transform into their true self at the full moon, once a month. They would completely forget who they were as a person and try to find victims, which, when bitten, would also become werewolves.

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Werewolves will typically live normal lives during the day. The go to school, go to work, or play just as a normal human would. Sometimes werewolves will take to the forests and live there, but generally they would rather be able to interact with other werewolves and humans. A werewolf is capable of change during the day as well, but the risks are very high.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

werewolves enjoy the moon

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How do werewolves form?

Werewolves are born in the imagination. Their habitat is night time fears.

If werewolves have still alive?

Werewolves are real because i am one i change every night

Do werewolves only apper at night?

\rewolves are out all day. in the afternoon they are in the human form. At night they transform into a wolf. while the wolf is in wolf form it hunts for food. Beware , werewolves are everywhere so watch out for your actions because you might end up being the werewolves dinner.! BEWARE!

Are there any superhero comic book characters that are werewolves?

'Hrimhari' , 'Wolfsbane' and 'Werewolf by Night' are werewolves in the Marvel Universe ~ see related links below .

Is there werewolves that change every night?

No, but its fun to have scary things to write stories about.

Do werewolves come out in the day?

we prefer to come out at night and hunt for living flesh

Do werewolves eat people?

In folklore and mythology, werewolves are often depicted as creatures that may attack and harm humans. However, in reality, werewolves are fictional and do not exist.

Can you get vampiresand werewolves in the Sims 3 game?

You can get vampires in the sims 3 late night expansion pack and werewolves in the sims 3 pets expansion pack which will be out October.

Are there any games about werewolves?

There are a couple: 1: Bite Night 2: Crimson Moon. It is about Werewolves V.S. Vampires game. But with a twist! Hybrids are included! See the related link.

Name something people fear that comes out at night?

Bats, Monsters, Ghosts, Vampires, Werewolves

Do werewolves change every night?

No, only when it's full moon. But it it possible to control your shapeshifting.

What is the myth about how werewolves work?

The myth says that anyone who is bitten by a werewolf has no choice to become a werewolf. They transform to a werewolf at night on a full moon. They also die from nothing else but a silver bullet. Wolfsbane is a plant that a werewolves weakness and is like a poison to werewolves.