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Q: What do vegetarians eat is you don't eat vegetable?
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Vegetarians who eat non-vegetable occasionaly are known as?

Semi-vegetarians, or "mostly" vegetarians.

Which type of vegetarians cannot eat corn?

Corn is a vegetable, so all vegetarians can eat it.

Can guinea pig eat non-vegetable?

No,Guinea Pigs are strictly vegetarians.

Do vegetarians eat poultry?

No Vegetarians dont eat anything that a animal has been harmed in process. They eat vegtables also dairy etc. Vegetarians eat a wide range of foods, not just vegetables.

What are people called when they dont eat meat?


What was venetians' relationship with the Turks?

dont you means vegetarians and turkeys wait wait wait...... vegetarians dont eat turkeys do they?

What type of vegetable dish will both vegans and vegetarians be able to eat?

Any vegetable dish that does not include animal flesh or secretions (eggs, milk, honey) is suitable for both vegans and vegetarians.

What do vegetarians eat on a daily basics?

The diet of a vegetarian varies per person on a daily basis. There is quite a lot that they can eat. Vegetarians can eat anything that is a fruit, vegetable, or grain. This includes nuts and seeds, too. Some vegetarians choose to eat dairy and eggs, too, while others do not.

What causes horses to eat each other?

Horses dont eat each other they are vegetarians

Is ginger vegetarian food?

Yes, it is a form of vegetable, so therefore it is not meat. vegetarians don't eat meat, some take it further and don't eat any products that are from animals either like: eggs, milk, cheese etc if you mean ginger like the vegetable then yes vegetarians can eat it!!! xxx :)

Is egg drop soup vegetarian?

It can be if made with vegetable broth. Since it is made with eggs, some vegetarians who don't eat eggs will not eat it.

Why is chicken called non vegetable?

Chicken is meat. Non-vegetarians eat chicken because of the white meat.