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The rabbit can see around it really well, rabbits are also super fast, they are safe from the predator.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Down the rabbit hole, or into very thick brush, but eagles are fast. Never let a pet bunny loose and untended , even in a fully fenced yard.

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12y ago

They can hop away or jump away or fight for their lives

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12y ago

they get there claws out and starts to kill or they us there teeth and bite

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14y ago

They run, hide, or die.

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Q: What do rabbits do when they are attacked?
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Why don't rabbits need shots for rabies?

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Yes, angora rabbits have predators, just like a normal, short-haired rabbit: foxes, cats, dogs, a few more too. See the related question below for more details. Angora rabbits don't live in the wild, but rabbits kept in backyards are often attacked by wild animals, and rabbits kept indoors are sometimes attacked by other pets.

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is it how much do your rabbits or rabbit's eat in one day?

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What is the Collective noun for rabbits and hares?

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Why did the anasazi believe in rabbits?

Rabbits are real. I believe in rabbits. I hope you believe in rabbits, too:)

Where are all the rabbits in SM64 DS?

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