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They look like little ants. They are black and are easy to see, they also leave flea dirt which can be removed by a brush. Ask your local pet shop or vet shop for flea treatment they recommend the best for your breed. If you join a package at your local vet there will be a package that you can purchase which usually sends out flea treatment and worming tablets etc when its due.

Hope this helped!!

Use dawn dish soap kills them instant i did with my kittins nd puppy nd its not harmfull

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Q: What do puppy dog fleas look like and how do you get rid of them on a puppy?
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How many fleas can a dog have?

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What can you do for itching puppy skin after they have been treated for fleas and worms?

You can get some medication that you put in water to dip the dog.

What looks like a dog sounds like a dog but isn't a dog?

a puppy

What will kill feas on your 10 week old puppie?

To kill fleas on a 10-week-old puppy, you can use a flea comb to physically remove the fleas. You can also give the puppy a flea bath using a gentle puppy-formulated flea shampoo. It's important to consult with a veterinarian before using any flea treatment products on such a young puppy.

What is a dog fleas habitat?

A dog fleas habitat is the dog itself.

How can you tell how big a puppy will grow up to be?

To determine how big your puppy will be, look at the parents of the puppy and the breed of the dog. If the parents were two different breeds and sizes, the pup will look like a mix of both parents and between the height of both the parents.

Can you pick up fleas from a dog?

yes, if your dog has fleas

Can your dog have fleas but not your house?

yes, a house dog could get fleas...of course you go outside and walk around, your shoes touch the ground and your clothing picks up many things. When you get home, fleas can be on what your wearing and transferr to your dog. Also when you like your dog outside, you dog can catch fleas as well.

Housebreaking a dog?

do u have a dog or a puppy well anyway you can buy puppy grass that the dog/puppy will pee on like grass outside..... older dog I'm not so sure about did the best i could.

Your dog walks and sits down like she is in pain?


Is it safe to get a puppy from a puppy mill?

A puppy from a puppy mill is more likely to have illness or parasites from the other dogs. It will probably have fleas or lice. The dieseases could spread to you, but are more likely to hurt the dog. If a dog is bought from a suspected puppy mill, do these things. 1. Call and ask the owner about health. Some puppy mill owners will give false documents or words. Get real proof from a vet. 2. If it is a puppy mill, turn it in to the police. Puppy mills are illegal. 3. Get the dog proper vaccinations and treatments. 4. Enjoy puppy.