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Poodles act like any other dog. They can be really playful or really shy. Generally they are friendly dogs that are great with kids.

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Why do people like french poodles?

BECAUSE poodles are dogs

What are poodles affraid of?

Most poodles don't like loud noises. Some poodles are spooky while others are not.

Do Poodles have webbed feet?

Standard poodles have webbed feet. Miniature and Toy poodles do not.

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What doesn't standard poodles eat?

Standard poodles will eat most things. It depends on what he or she prefers, just like humans have their own tastes in foods, so do poodles.

Do toy poodles like out door's?

Toy poodles love outdoors! I have 2 myself and they love to run around outside.

Are toy poodles really poodles?

Yes. Toy poodles are really poodles.

When poodles can have a poppies?

like all dogs, YES!!

Why do poodles get diseases?

Yes, poodles get some diseases, like diabetes, cataracts (with age) hip problems to name a few.They get diseases like any other dog.

What are poodles physical feature?

cow like features ugly and fat like you

What veggies do poodles like?

Poodles like and can eat a few pieces of; carrot, green beans, potato, lettuce, squash. No, peas, they have too much sugar. No, cauliflower or gas forming veggies.