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they live very primitive

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Related questions

Why do people live on islands?

People choose to live on islands for many reasons. People like the slower life of an island. Many also like to live on islands for the scenery and peacefulness.

Do people still live on islands?

Yes, people still do live on islands, like Hawai'i, or Ellis Island.

Why do people live on high islands than on low islands?

because people like to get high

How do people live in islands?

It's a common missconception that people in the Faroe Islands live like they did in the middle ages. They live under the same conditions as most of Europe does.

How many live in islands?

two people live in the Galapagos Islands.

What remote South Pacific nation is a hot spot for live-aboard scuba diving vacations?

Solomon Islands

Can people live at the cook islands?

19,569 people live there

How do people live in faroe islands?

People in the Faroe Islands live by fishing, sheep farming, and tourism. The islands have a close-knit community with a strong sense of tradition and culture. The rugged landscape and remote location present challenges, but also contribute to the unique way of life on the islands.

How many people live in island?

two people live in the Galapagos Islands.

Are the Shetland Islands beautiful places?

Yes they are. Some people that live here don't agree but I personally like the peace and quiet and the natural beauty of the islands.

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Do people live on all of the Hawaiian Islands?

Yes people do