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Guinea pigs are great little rodents. They are happiest when together, and the females are nicer together than the males. I have two female guinea pigs, and they are 2 years old. Guinea pigs can live up to 6 years under proper care. They loveto eat fresh grass, and you probably shouldn't get any if you live in an apartment where fresh grass that they can graze upon is not readily available. DO NOT buy a guinea pig on impulse. You must be prepared to care for these wonderful animals, and you should read a few books on guinea pigs at your local library before buying a pair. Most books have a list of what not to feed them: follow these lists! If you have any more questions, you can email me at

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there ears are like over sized hamster ears.

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Q: What do guinea pigs have behind there ears?
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Why do guinea pigs have bald spots behind their ears?

around the ears are the most common places for guinea pigs to shed dont worry

Can guinea pigs have different coloured ears?

yes guinea pigs can have different coloured ears

Why do guinea pigs have big ears?

I think not all guinea pig have big ears, guinea pigs do have big ears when they are about a week old and it stays like that when they get older..

Why does it have pig at the end of guinea pigs?

As, They squeak in the way pigs do. Their ears look like pig ears. And guinea pigs eat an incredable amount!

Do guinea pigs have white flakes on their ears?


Where do guinea pigs like to rubbed?

Guinea pigs enjoy being gently rubbed and scratched on their cheeks, behind their ears, and along their backs. They also appreciate being pet on their heads and chin. It is important to pay attention to your guinea pig's body language to ensure they are comfortable with the petting.

Are guinea pigs hearing better than humans?

actually, guinea pigs ears are a lot better than human ears, so don't expose them to noises to loud. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also black guinea pigs have far better hearing than guinea pigs of another color (7 guinea pigs) and most guinea pig dont like high pitch or fast tempo noise...

Are guinea pigs ears supposed to bleed on the inside?


Can you pierce a guinea pigs ears?

It is not recommended to pierce a guinea pig's ears. Guinea pigs have small, delicate ears that can be easily injured during a piercing procedure. Additionally, it can cause unnecessary stress and discomfort to the animal.

Why do guinea pigs ears get crusty?

guinea pigs ears should not be might be ear wax? Or it could be ear mites - when my guinea pigs had crust inside their ears and i took them to the vet for other reasons- the vet said it was ear mites- Use a cotton swab moist with warm water to clean them out

What does the babies look like when rabbits and guinea pigs bred?

they are a gabbit and have very long ears no tail and have a shape like a guinea pig

How does a guinea-pig's hearing work?

A guinea pig hearing is like this: guinea pigs hearing is very sensitive so try not to scream around one cause it could really hurt there ears so do not scream around guinea pigs