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Its best to go to the vet he'll/she'll tell you

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12y ago
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13y ago

Because the name "Boxers" comes from them playing with the front paws it shows affection and it means the trust you.

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14y ago

there are a couple reasons: 1. For attention 2. Its a trick , some dogs may just do it for treats or praise 3. Wolves have been known to rest a paw on the shoulder of a comrade.

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13y ago

It's just natural for them to do that. One real reason is because their paws simply intersect at the end.

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14y ago

Put some gloves on him and step back.

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13y ago

Dogs need their paws to walk.

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all dogs have larger front paws. even wild animals in the dog family

Do dogs have paws?

Yes, dogs do have paws, just like most of all the other warmblooded mammals! Their paws contain 5 fingers with long nails on them. The "long nails" are called, 'claws'. I hope this answered your question!

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Dogs sweat through their Paws and their tongue.

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The dog Puppy Paws and his "dad" Santa Paws are Great Pyrenees Mountain Dogs.

Do African wild dog have paws?

Yes, African wild dogs have paws. They are very much like the paws of domesticated dog breeds.