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baby mice and cockel shells that's how her garden grows

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Q: What do cubs black bears eat?
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Do male black bears eat their own or other bear cubs?

<Male Black Bears eat their cubs for a reason. When looking for food themselves, having left the mother/cubs they can stumble upon the mother's/cubs' territory. Since he is hungry, he ends up eating his cubs.

Do Black Bears Ingest cubs during tough times?

Mommy Black and Grizzly bears have to protect her cubs from other bears. This does not require that it be tough times. Bears are opportunistic predator's, meaning if they can kill it easily they will eat it, and they don't care what meat it is.

Do black bears eat in together?

Only if it's a mother with her cubs, otherwise not a chance.

Do all black bears have cubs with black fur?

no not really but most of there cubs are black

Do black bears eat eagles?

Black bears do not eat a lot of animals. They prefer nuts and berries as well as insects. The will eat dead carcasses of other animals and small rodents and rabbits.

Do black bears kill grizzly bears?

Black bears are not known to eat other species of bears, or to be cannibalistic in nature. Here is a detailed outline of their diet:"Black bears are omnivores whose diet includes plants, meat, and insects. Their diet typically consists of about 10-15% animal matter." --WikipediaFor more information, please see the related link below this answer:

Why do adult polar bears eat cubs?

they don't eat the cubs thay care for them

How much cubs do black bears have in a year?

Usually 2 cubs

Do wolves eat polar bears cubs?

No. Wolves aren't where polar bear cubs are located. Male polar bears if they are hungry will hunt a cub and eat it.

Can mountain lions eat bears?

Yes, cubs.

Are black bears safe to play with?

no, because they will tear you apart into millions of pieces. and then eat you of course but if you train them when cubs then you can play with them if their nice enough.

Do black mamos eat bears?

The black mamo do not eat bears they are birds they eatnectar