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Border collies eat regular dog food, although they also enjoy many other types of food. Try different things out on your dog to discover what it enjoys - dog tastes can be very individual, just like humans. My collies like tuna fish, or cheddar cheese sprinkled on top of their food, as well as the occasionaly doggie treat.

The best thing to feed a collie, though, is meaty dog food with biscuit meal mixed together, supplemented by the occasional bone - this will keep your collies teeth clean, and keep its mind stimulated - licking the marrow out of the centre of the bone is a special treat for collies which is difficult to get at, and will keep your collie busy for hours. You should not feed your dog any Commercial dog food, like ones that are on T.V or in food stores. Scientists have proven that commercal dog food is slowly killing your dogs. Commercial dog food gives your dog a number of diseses such as kidney failure and a number of cancers and more. A dog that eats Commercial dog food has a higher chance of dying earlier than later, such as 4.5 years old instead of 14.3years old. The dog food contains 6 deadly chemicals. Commercial dog food is often made of dead, flea bitten cats and dogs + their collars and plastic bags which the people involved dont bother taking off. You should feed your dog fresh meat or any kind of human meat such as beef, chicken necks ect. Or try cooking your dog a human/dog type of meal. WARNING! DO NOT continue buying commercial dog food for it is poisoning your dog. For more info go to Google, and type in : increase the lifespan of your dog.

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16y ago
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12y ago

Border Collies mostly eat dog food but other human food can be eaten. They can eat green beans, hotdogs, roast beef, corn, sausage, and sometimes scrambled eggs are okay.( Note: I wouldn't give your dog to many scrambled eggs because sometimes dogs have a stomach that can only have just mostly dog food or else it will upset it's stomach and you might end up being the one to clean it up)

DO NOT FEED YOUR DOG THESE: don't feed dogs grapes, raisins, CHOCOLATE, and any commercial food.( scientist have found out commercial food is bad for dogs and cats because the food is only dead cats and dogs ground up to pieces along with their diseases or other things they had)

If you would like you can experiment to see what else your dog would like.

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13y ago

well i think weather its a collie or bored collie or English collie or Shelties l grew up with them all my life i think what thay love most is pepole

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14y ago

All dogs are different.

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