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white and sharp.

Hope i helped

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Q: What do a puppy's baby teeth look like?
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Dream your baby was born with teeth?

no, dey look cute w/out teeth!

How do you loose all your baby teeth?

Look after your teeth with no pulling or tugging or you will need braces. And brush you teeth with Colgate big teeth because this will make them look the best in the future.

What do teeth look like if you need braces?

Teeth will look uneven and there will be gaps.

What do penguin teeth look like?

birds dont have teeth,they have beaks. but baby birds have an "egg tooth", a tooth on the front of their beaks that helps them get out of their egg, that falls off after they hatch from the egg.

What do the margay's teeth look like?

Their teeth are sharp.

How many sets of teeth for labs?

If you mean labradors, they have a set of baby teeth and then adult teeth. Baby teeth can be retained though, so if it appears to have two teeth in the same spot, have a vet look at them, the retained teeth can cause severe dental disease.

What does spongebob's teeth look like?

Yes, but not many. There's an episode showing when he was a baby and he fell on the floor and knocked most of them out. Hope I helped.

How teeth of crow look like?

crows dont have teeth.

How does a parakeet teeth look like?

Parakeets do not have teeth, they have a beak and a tongue.

What will happen to your teeth if you do not brush your teeth regularly and why?

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What do baby panthers look like?

Baby panthers, also known as cubs, are typically born with their eyes closed and covered in soft fluffy fur. They have faint spots or markings on their fur that will eventually fade as they grow older. Baby panthers rely on their mother for food and protection until they are old enough to hunt on their own.

What do mice teeth look like?

looks like what you would expect booth teeth yellowish