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Q: What do a brown tabby make mixed with a cream and white cat?
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Can a purebred Scottish Fold have a cream tabby and white?

Yes, a purebred Scottish Fold can have a cream tabby and white.

Is Ivypaw in Warriors brown and white or gray and white?

She's a white tabby - so brown and white.

What color is chocolate ice cream?

light brown mixed with a creamy brown color

What color do you get when golden brown yellow and white is mixed?

When golden brown, yellow, and white are mixed together, you will likely get a warm off-white or cream color. The golden brown and yellow tones will mix to create a warmer hue, tempered by the white to lighten the overall shade.

Light brown and white makes what color?

Light brown and white make tan, fawn, cream, beige and others, depending on how much of each pigment is mixed together.

What colors can tabbies be?

The tabby coat colour on cat can be incredibly varied! The "Tabby" term means dark markings (stripes, swirls, spots) on a paler background. The stripe colour is solid (goes right to the hair root), but the background colour is banded with colour on each individual hair.Here are just some of the many colours:Blue Tabby - Cream/ivory-blue base, slate blue markings.Brown Tabby - Coppery-brown base, black markings.Cameo Tabby - Cream base, pale red markings.Chocolate Tabby - Ivory/white base, medium-dark brown markings.Cream Tabby - Pale cream base, fawn/buff markings.Lavender (Lilac) Tabby - Milky cream base, frosty grey markings.Red Tabby - Pale red (ginger) base, deep red (ginger) markings.Silver Tabby - Silver base, black markings. Silver Tabbies with coloured markings on a silvery background are called Blue Silver, Red Silver (aka Cameo Tabby) etc.

What does a black tabby look like?

I have a tabby cat that is really stubborn and white brown and black it really hurts when she attacks

Can a British Shorthair have a tabby and white coat?

Yes, the British Shorthair can have a tabby and white coat.

What are all cats colors?

There are so many, eg: Black, brown, white, blue (smoky or dark grey), red (orange), white and cream. The main colour patterns are tabby, colourpoint, calico and tortoiseshell.

What color is a tom cat?

Usually a mixture betwen gray, brown, and orange.Another AnswerThe tabby coat colour on cat can be incredibly varied! The "Tabby" term means dark markings (stripes, swirls, spots) on a paler background. The stripe colour is solid (goes right to the hair root), but the background colour is banded with colour on each individual hair.Here are just some of the many colours:Blue Tabby - Cream/ivory-blue base, slate blue markings.Brown Tabby - Coppery-brown base, black markings.Cameo Tabby - Cream base, pale red markings.Chocolate Tabby - Ivory/white base, medium-dark brown markings.Cream Tabby - Pale cream base, fawn/buff markings.Lavender (Lilac) Tabby - Milky cream base, frosty grey markings.Red Tabby - Pale red (ginger) base, deep red (ginger) markings.Silver Tabby - Silver base, black markings. Silver Tabbies with coloured markings on a silvery background are called Blue Silver, Red Silver (aka Cameo Tabby) etc.

What are the Allegiances for WarriorS The sight?

These may be incorrect. I copied them from a sight and deleted what I saw was created. It was an edited version of The Sight.LEADER: Firestar-Flame-colored ginger tom, green eyesDEPUTY: Brambleclaw-Dark brown tabby tom, amber eyesApprentice, BerrypawMEDICINE CAT: Leafpool-Brown tabby she-cat, amber eyesWARRIORS: (toms and she-cats without kits)Sandstorm-sandy she-cat, green eyesApprentice, HoneypawDustpelt-brown tabby tomApprentice, HazelpawCloudtail-longhaired white tom, blue eyesApprentice, CinderpawAshfur-pale gray (with darker flecks) tom, blue eyesBrackenfur-golden brown tabby tomThornclaw-golden brown tabby tomApprentice, PoppypawBirchfall-light brown tabby tomWhitewing-white she-cat with green eyesBrook Where Small Fish Swim (Brook)-light brown tabby she-cat, gray eyesStormfur-dark gray tom, amber eyes, formerly of RiverClanSorreltail-tortoiseshell and white she-cat, amber eyesSpiderleg-long legged black tom with a brown underbelly, amber eyesApprentice, MousepawBrightheart-white she-cat with ginger patchesAPPRENTICES: (kits over six moons old, in training to become warriors)Mousepaw-gray and white tomHazelpaw-small gray and white she-catHoneypaw-light brown tabby she-catBerrypaw-cream-colored tomPoppypaw-tortoiseshell she-catCinderpaw-gray tabby she-catQUEENS: (she-cats expecting or nursing kits)Ferncloud-pale gray (with darker flecks), green eyes, mother of Dustpelt's kits Foxkit and IcekitSquirrelflight-ginger with green eyes, mother of Brambleclaw's kits Jaykit, Hollykit, and LionkitDaisy-cream she-cat from the HorsePlaceELDERS: (warriors and queens, now retired)Longtail-pale tabby tom with black stripes, retired early due to failing sightMousefur-dusky brown she-catWINDCLANLEADER:Onestar-Brown tabby tomDEPUTY:Ashfoot-Gray she-catMEDICINE CAT: Barkface-Short-tailed brown tabby tomApprentice, KestrelpawWARRIORS:Crowfeather-dark gray, almost black, tom with blue eyesApprentice, HeatherpawNightcloud-black she-catTornear-tabby tomApprentice, HarepawOwlwhisker-light brown tabby tomWeaselfur-ginger tom with white pawsWhitetail-small white she-catApprentice, BreezepawELDERS:Morningflower-very old tortoiseshell she-catWebfoot-dark gray tabby tomRIVERCLANLEADER: Leopardstar-Unusually spotted golden she-catDEPUTY: Mistyfoot-Gray she-cat, blue eyesMEDICINE CAT: Mothwing-Dappled golden she-catApprentice, WillowpawWARRIORS:Blackclaw-smoky gray tomVoletooth-small brown tabby tomApprentice, MinnowpawMosspelt-tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyesApprentice, PebblepawReedwhisker-black tomApprentice, PouncepawBeechfur-light brown tomRippletail-dark gray tomQUEENS:Dawnflower-pale gray tabby she-catELDERS:Swallowtail-dark tabby she-catHeavystep-thickset tabby tomStonestream-gray tomSHADOWCLANLEADER: Blackstar-White tom with jet-black pawsDEPUTY: Russetfur-Dark ginger she-catMEDICINE CAT: Littlecloud-Small tabby tomWARRIORS:Rowanclaw-ginger tomApprentice, IvypawOakfur-small tabby tomSnowbird-white she-catSmokefoot-black tomApprentice, OwlpawQUEENS:Tawnypelt-tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyesELDERS:Tallpoppy-long-limbed light brown tabby she-catCedarheart-dark gray tom

What do tabby cats stripes mean?

The "Tabby" term does not mean a breed of cat; it is in fact a certain coat pattern found on many cats: Dark markings (stripes, swirls, spots) on a paler background. The stripe colour is solid (goes right to the hair root), but the background colour is banded with colour on each individual hair. Cats with the Tabby pattern come in all shapes, sizes and breeds. Here are most colours:Blue Tabby - Cream/ivory-blue base, slate blue markings.Brown Tabby - Coppery-brown base, black markings.Cameo Tabby - Cream base, pale red markings.Chocolate Tabby - Ivory/white base, medium-dark brown markings.Cream Tabby - Pale cream base, fawn/buff markings.Lavender (Lilac) Tabby - Milky cream base, frosty grey markings.Red Tabby - Pale red (ginger) base, deep red (ginger) markings.Silver Tabby - Silver base, black markings. Silver Tabbies with coloured markings on a silvery background are called Blue Silver, Red Silver (aka Cameo Tabby) etc.Calico means an animal, such as a cat, having a coat that is mottled in tones of white with red and black.