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lol first I HAVE NO CLUE THAT'S WHY I SEARCHED IT! I would recommend not asking questions through this because sometimes dumb people come here and state what they think/assume the answer is. In other words this is not a reliable source.

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Q: What did the white man use the buffalo for?
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What is the duration of The White Buffalo?

The duration of The White Buffalo is 1.62 hours.

When was The White Buffalo created?

The White Buffalo was created on 1977-05-06.

When was White-headed Buffalo Weaver created?

White-headed Buffalo Weaver was created in 1845.

Who invented the buffalo chicken?

The buffalo man from mospnolply world

What actors and actresses appeared in White Buffalo - 2011?

The cast of White Buffalo - 2011 includes: Rungrawan Tonahongsa

How did the white man destroy the buffalo on the great plains?

Because thee are too many of them and people are just shooting them for fun!

What does watonka mean?

Watonka mean "White Buffalo". Good sign, see white buffalo. Blessing come back.

Mandan Indians use buffalo?

The mandan tribe did use the buffalo

What does a white buffalo mean?

Depends on who you are what it means. To Native Americans plains tribes a white buffalo was a sacred animal. As it was tribes like the Dakota Sioux used the buffalo for food, clothing, worship, and anything else they could glean from the buffalo.

Why does a buffalo float on the river but a man cannot?

This is because the area of foot of the buffalo is much more than that of a man, and moreover it has 4 legs. Due to this the pressure of the buffalo on the water is less than a man so it floats on river whereas man can't.

What did the Indians call the buffalo?

The Lakota had many specific terms for buffalo. These include:pte (a buffalo cow)ptehchaka (any buffalo)tatanka (a buffalo bull, but also a male moose, bear)ptehinchala (a buffalo calf)heyuktan (a buffalo with bent horns)ptesan (a white buffalo)ptezinchala (a buffalo calf)heshlushluta (a smooth horned buffalo)tabloka (a buffalo bull, bull moose, male grizzly)tasha (red buffalo)p'ta (a male buffalo)ptesan (yellowish-white buffalo cow)ptasapa (black male buffalo)

What did the Lakota Indians call the buffalo?

The Lakota had many specific terms for buffalo. These include:pte (a buffalo cow)ptehchaka (any buffalo)tatanka (a buffalo bull, but also a male moose, bear)ptehinchala (a buffalo calf)heyuktan (a buffalo with bent horns)ptesan (a white buffalo)ptezinchala (a buffalo calf)heshlushluta (a smooth horned buffalo)tabloka (a buffalo bull, bull moose, male grizzly)tasha (red buffalo)p'ta (a male buffalo)ptesan (yellowish-white buffalo cow)ptasapa (black male buffalo)