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No body knows, we werent around, and animals evolve. So...

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12y ago

they evoloved from okapi!

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Q: What did giraffes look like in the past?
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What are albino giraffes?

albino giraffes are white and have pink eyes just like blind guinea pigs that's what they look like

What does a giraffes tooth look like?

GIRAFFESit looks pointy.

Why don't giraffes get sunburn?

if you shave them then yes the will look like a pink popcicle

Do giraffes have noses?

Yes but they are on their snout. They look like two holes.

What do giraffes tail look like?

Giraffes don't have feet, they have hooves. The hooves are large and flat - either black or dark brown - and have a single split in.

How did a corral of giraffes get its name?

It didnt! The collective term for Giraffes is a tower. 'Look at that tower of giraffes'.

Why do people like the bones of giraffes?

:(. i luv giraffes

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What did the people look like in the past?

like garags

What is a giraffes home like?

a giraffes home has trees with lots of leaves.

What did sydenham London look like in the past?

Answer this question…How far into the past