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Oh please don't do that!! The eyes must remain closed until they are fully developed, at which time they will open on their own.

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Q: What damage is caused by prying a newborn kittens eyes open?
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The root word of "prying" is "pry," which means to inquire into or look closely at something inquisitively or impertinently.

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"Prying" could be translated curiosus ("inquisitive") or perhaps percuriosus ("very inquisitive"). "Prying eyes" would then be oculi [per]curiosi. Remember that in Latin, the form of the words varies depending on how they're used; oculi curiosi is the form taken by the subject of a sentence, or the thing spoken to ("O prying eyes!"). Other forms are:oculos curiosos: object of the verboculorum curiosorum: "of prying eyes"oculis curiosis: "by, with, to or for prying eyes"

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How do you remove a business card from a Toyota CD player?

inserting anything other than a CD into ANY CD player usually results in damage. Your best bet is to remove the player, and try and shake the card out. This will cause less damage than prying around for it with something small enough to fit in the CD slot.