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Giant armadillos are found in South America, east of the Andes, from northwestern Venezuela to northeastern Argentina.

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The giant armadillo is found in much of tropical South America.

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Where Giant armadillo live?

Giant armadillos live in South America.

Where Armadillo live?

Giant armadillos live in South America.

On what continent does the giant armadillo live?

Giant armadillos are found in South America.

What is the climate for an giant armadillo?

armadillo not live in very hot climate or in cold climate they live in mid type of climate in south and central america

What kind of consumer is a giant armadillo?

The giant armadillo is a secondary consumer.

What is the giant armadillo's Latin name?

Giant armadillo = Priodontes maximus.

What is an enemy of a giant armadillo?

Giant Armadillo's habitat is losing because of humans.

What biome does the giant armadillo live in?

I am like 90% sure they live on rainforests im 100% sure they live in the desert

What are some differences between the armadillo and the giant armadillo?

1 difference is that the giant armadillo has more bands on its shell. another difference is that the giant armadillo is bigger. i think the next fact is true. the giant armadillo can breath fire 10 feet longer than a armadillo.

What is the life expectancy of the Giant Armadillo?

The life expectancy of the Giant Armadillo is approximately 12-15 years

What kind of consumer is a armadillo?

The giant armadillo is a secondary consumer.

How large is the largest and smallest armadillo?

The pink fairy armadillo is the smallest and the largest is the Giant Armadillo.