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It might have landed hard on something and needs to be taken to the vet ASAP.

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Q: What could cause a cat to dislocate it's shoulder?
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Is it bad to grab a cat from his legs?

It can dislocate the cats knees. I was just at the vets office and told this about getting my cat out of the crate.

What could cause a person to cough or sneeze when a cat is near?

Allergies could cause a person to cough or sneeze whenever a cat is around them.

What could be the cause if your cat has suddenly developed a raspy meow?

your cat might be old.

What does black cat on shoulder mean?

Having a black cat on your shoulder can mean a couple of things. One meaning is that it is good luck.

How large is a Sabre-Tooth Cat?

The Sabre toothed cat could be 6-7 feet long and could be 4-6 feet tall at the shoulder. It would normally weigh around 120-200 kilograms.

What height can a cat grow?

The bigest modern cat is the tiger, this can be 1220mm at the shoulder.

What is the function of the ridge found on the shoulder blades of the Cat?

The ridge found on the shoulder blades of a cat, known as the scapular spine, provides attachment for muscles that control the movement of the shoulder joint. It helps support and stabilize the shoulder during running and jumping activities.

Would an accident cause a cat to have memory loss?

If the cat suffered head injuries during the accident, then yes, it could be possible. But my question is, how could you even tell?

My cat that has not been spayed has a swollen stomach like she's pregnant but there is no male cat in the house what could be the cause?

One cause could be simply that she is overweight. I would recommend going to a veterinarian and having her checked to make sure.

How big is a cat?

the can be up to a fully grown adults shoulder

How is big cat?

the can be up to a fully grown adults shoulder

Does ear hematoma spread from cat to cat?

No, but the cause of a hematoma can spread from cat to cat depending on what that cause is.