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Spain became the XVI and XVII centuries superpewer, closely followed by Portugal (Besides, Spain and Portugal were just one nation under king Philipp II of Spain). Hundreds of Tons of gold and silver from West Indias (Mainly from Mexico and Peru) to Casa de Contratacion in Seville, were used to pay the famous Tercios, and awesome Spanish army that were in the Spanish Flemish provinces (now Holland, Luxembourg and Belgium) and the Spanish Italian provinces (now Southern Italy and Sicily). It was said "The sun never sets over the Spanish Empire"

England and France were the enemies. Queen Elisabeth I of England and before king François I of France, were in close rivalry with Spain, with dozens of wars involved those three countries.

To be honest, and until the end of WW2 in 1945, Europe have been in constant war since the Roman Empire.. So the Age of Discovery brought huge amounts of gold to the nations for paying those wars.

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Q: What consequences did the Age of Discovery have on the Old World?
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