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they don't change color

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Q: What colors do bobcats change in the seasons?
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Yes poison ivy can change colors depending on seasons

How did bobcats become protected?

Bobcats are common animals, and still have hunting seasons on them. Not an endangered species.

What is it called when animals colors change to the seasons to protected them selfs?

Seasonal dimorphism.

Do Birds Feathers Change colors in the seasons?

Yes some birds change there feather colors in the seasons. Examples of this are: Black headed gulls, Grey plover, Golden plover, Ruff,Red knot, Ptarmigan and Mediterranean gulls.

Do panda bear colors change with the seasons?

No, unless they're biologically modified, which is always an option.

Why leaves turn colors in fall?

It is amazing to watch nature change seasons, so many different colors appear in each season. Leaves change colors in fall because many of the leaves are dying.

Does a komodo dragons colour change different colors within the seasons?

No, komodo dragons do not change color with the seasons. They typically have a range of gray, green, brown, and black colors to blend in with their surroundings, helping them to hunt and avoid predators. However, their coloration can change based on age and individual variations.

What is the cause for seasons of a deciduous forest?

Seasons are caused by weather changes and lessening of sunlight. Leaves change colors because they aren't producing chlorophyl (what makes plants green.)

Where the seasons do change?

The seasons actually change in Space!!!:))))

Are there any laws protecting the bobcat?

Most states have set seasons for the hunting and trapping of bobcats, which are not an endangered species.