They can be Black, Redish, Gray, White, or any mix of gray and white.
But really the coat variation depends on their habitat.
If they lived in foresty areas they would be darker,if in snow lighter.
The colour fur of a wolf depends on its habitat. An arctic wolf has white fur while its cousin down south in Mexico has brown fur.
There are gray wolves, red wolves, and white wolves(To my knowledge). There might be more colors though.
Gray wolves, the species of wolves we have in the U.S., are a shade of gray, white, or black.
a very light gray
Some wolves are gray, particularly the gray wolves of North America. However, even among the species gray wolves, you will find some individuals that are black, brown, tan or a mixture of colors. Other species of wolves can be a variety of colors ranging from pure black to red to brown to pure white.
they do not see in only black and white. they dont see colors as vibrantly but can see colors.
Wolves can be omnivores or carnivores, but it depends on which wolf species. Some species like grey wolves, arctic wolves, etc. are omnivores. Some species like red wolves, brown wolves, black wolves, etc. are carnivores. Some wolves are omnivores and some are carnivores, and it depends on which wolf species it is. Smaller wolves with brighter colors are typically omnivores, while bigger wolves with darker colors are typically carnivores. "Carnivore" means than an animal's diet primarily consists of meat, but not completely, and some carnivores might in a happenstance eat some plants, especially if they're careless or if they're starving.
there isn't a species called the 'albino wolf' but there are wolves that are white. Timber/ Grey wolves can be an array of colors; grey, brown, black, and yes even white
Different colors take in heat at different amounts also for camouflage
Wolves come in only a couple different colors. They come in light brown, gray, and a little bit of white. Okay, you have some of the colors, but not all. Wolves come in light brown, grey, black, white, and sometimes a golden color. And in Wolverhampton in UK they play football (Soccer) in Old Gold.....
Either the wolves are coloured black with hints of white or are completely white. Sweet Fur Amy is all black. Silver is this whitish, silverish kind of colour.
wolves come in many colors,the most common being the timber with multi colors such as black,brown and white.They may be pure black or pure white if born in the Arctic region.I have an Arctic that is creme with a crimson saddle.So, in answer to your question,wolves have many markings but are all beautiful. smil3s to you
Any shade of grey. I'd say possibly Black or brown as the other main colour.