No. Because platypuses' eyes contain cone receptors, it is believed they can also see colour.
No. Only two platypuses have ever been known to be bred whilst in captivity. See the related news link.
Yes, platypuses do have eyes, and they use them whenever they are on land. Platypuses close their eyes when they dive and hunt underwater for food. They do not need to see underwater, as they use the electroreceptors in their bills to detect living organisms underwater.
Same reason as humans do. They need their eyes to see.
No. America does not have platypuses. Platypuses are endemic to eastern Australia.
Yes. Platypuses close their eyes when they dive and hunt underwater for food. they do not need to see underwater, as they use the electroreceptors in their bills to detect living organisms underwater.
Shrimp can see 16 colors.
Platypuses is the correct spelling.
Red, Green, and Yellow. They can also see ultraviolet colors, or colors the human can't see
Lions can see the same colors as we can, but they can't see as far away as we can.
the colors which we can see are called visible colors that appear in visible light spectrum VIBGYOR these are the only visible colors although we can see different colors by the combination of these colors also whit is a visible color
Pretty sure amphibians do not see any colors.