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definitely not the color of tacos, brown or gray

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14y ago
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14y ago

Most of the body is pale with brown speckles in color, though the neck, head and edges of the flippers and fluke are nearly black. Older animals are usually more brightly colored than younger animals.

See Narwhal Images.

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14y ago

Well there are a lot of different whales but a regular whale is a bluish gray color

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13y ago

A grey color with pink in some spots.

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15y ago

Neon Green

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Q: What color is a whale?
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What color is the gray whale?

The gray whale is actually black.

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The same color as ours. (pink)

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A beluga whale is known as the white whale. It is born grey and turns white over a period of five years.A beluga whale is known as the white whale. It is born grey and turns white over a period of five years.

What is whale size shape and color are?

This varies from species to species of whale. The largest whale which is blue whale can weigh as much as 200 tons. The smaller whale weighs only 400-600 pounds which is a dwarf sperm whale. In terms of color, it is usually a more cooler colour like blue and grey but varies between each species.

What color is the humpback Whale?

blue and white on the bottom

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the coloration of a whale shark is purple because of it's eyes

What color is shark color?

Their mostly black or gray but if its a whale shark brownish with white spots.