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hippopotamus milk is bright pink it has a very thick texture,they also secrete a pinkish mucus to protect their skin from sunburn.


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13y ago
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15y ago
Changed based on post by Suchandra dasi in Discuss:What is the color of buffalo milk,then improved by Mahmood Ali

Buffalo milk is white, all milk is different shades of white and yellowish white depending on the animal or the food that the animal is eating. For instance, cows that graze in green pastures in summer usually produce yellowish, more "creamy" looking milk. The yellow tinge is due to beta carotene. Buffalo milk is thicker than cows milk, so it is more opaque.

(moved from discussion)

The compound that gives the cow milk it's characterizing yellowish color is the beta carotene, which is a lipo-soluble vitamin. The beta carotene is composed of two vitamin A bonded together. In buffalo milk, the bata carotene is in it's compositors form i.e. two Vitamin A instead of one Beta Carotene, so the compound that participates significantly in giving the yellowish color is simply not there.

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8y ago

Normally white, it make look 'pinkish' after calving

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14y ago

White. It may look 'pinkish' just after the calves are born

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14y ago

Buffalo milk contains more fat content than cow milk. Similarly, Buffalo have an ability to convert carotene in to vitamin A, as compare to cow milk.

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12y ago

kind of A dark maroon brown

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13y ago

it the color of death

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16y ago

brown ...

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Q: What color is a beefalo?
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Is there such thing as beefalo?

A Beefalo is a cross between a beef cow and a bison. Beefalo are typically 5/8's beef bovine (of any breed or mix breed) and 3/8's bison.

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Often it's a beef cow.

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Where did beefalo cattle originate?

The southern United States

What is the name half buffalo half cow?

Cattalo, or Beefalo.

What is a cross between a cow and a buffalo called?

An impossibility.

What is the average weight of a beefalo cow?

Beefalo bulls weigh an average of 2000 lbs. Cows average around 1500 lbs. Beefalo calves are typically born smaller than beef calves but they gain weight quickly and normally catch up in size by the time they start eating grass and hay.

Are beefalo sterile?

Yes. Beefalo is a breed of the result of breeding bison to cattle, and often is of 3/8's bison and 5/8's domestic bovine. Any mix of bison to cattle will designate it a "beefalo."

What is the crossing of buffalo and cattle to produce beefalo is an example of?

Beefalo are known as Hybrid Vigors, meaning, they are bred to be genetically superior to their parents. Beefalo are able to perspire, something that cattle cannot do, this enables them to be able to adjust more easily to hotter temperatures. This hybrid will eat lower quality plants or plants that normal cattle will not, mothers will produce a rich milk helping the calf to grow quicker. Beefalo have genetics from both parents receiving hardiness, foraging ability and calving ease from the Bison parent. From cattle they will show traits of fertility, milking ability and ease of handling.

What is a crossing of buffalo and cattle to produce beefalo is an example of?

This is an example of interspecies hybridization. The resulting animal may be called a beefalo, a catalo or some other combination of "buffalo" and "cattle" or "beef".