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beaver eyes dont shine at nite

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Q: What color are beavers' eyes when spotlight shines on them at night?
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Spotlight on the Night Mail - 1948 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

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The duration of The Sun Also Shines at Night is 1.87 hours.

When was The Sun Also Shines at Night created?

The Sun Also Shines at Night was created on 1990-08-22.

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How long do beavers sleep for?

over night

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ReelzChannel Spotlight - 2009 Family Movie Night was released on: USA: 9 April 2010

What shines at night time?

A light bulb...LOL jk you cant afford a light bulb so nothing shines in your lamp.

What is the name of a round disc that shines at night?

I Star

What do Beavers do in the night?

A beaver eats, sleeps, and uses the bath room. This is what it does during the day and night.

What shines in the night because it reflect a light of the sun?


What is the moon that shines red and has no life on it night or day?

Is it Mars.