Giant panda's eyes go from blue to brown and stay fun loving and peaceful
Giant pandas have very good eyesight. Most bears have round pupils. The giant pandas pupils are vertical slits like cat's eyes. The Chinese people call the panda "Da Xiong Mao," which means "giant bear cat" in Chinese.
The giant pandas have slit like pupils that is why there eyes are so far out apart. Pandas eyes are unique
They are called giant pandas to reduce confusion between giant pandas and red pandas. they are considerably large compared to red pandas therefore making them giant
No, 'giant pandas' are not capitalized.
The giant panda is much larger, is black and white in color, and has a short tail. The lesser is smaller, and looks similar to a red and white raccoon.
some giant pandas are exctinct
The giant panda, although both species are endangered.
No Giant Pandas do not live in groups
Giant Pandas live in mountains in China
giant pandas have them to bite bamboo
why are giant pandas endangered from humans