Urine is the same temperature as the body it leaves. If the person has a fever, the urine will be a higher temperature. This is why there is a temperature gauge on the outside of a sample bottle.
Pissing in a bottle and putting it in the fridge, YOU IDIOT
It is usually high with dehydration.
Water, and high sugars!
The temperature of urine in the bladder is the same as the body's core temperature. A urine temperature of higher than 100 degrees is the same as a fever of 100, and is caused by infection, dehydration, or intense exercise.
When someone's urine is at a temperature of 94 and is cloudy it means that the chances of that person to be pregnant is high.
High temperature and PH value
Removal of waste liquids, like urine. Also to help keep body temperature constant.
High temperature and humidity
Everyone's urine is the same temperature as their body. Normal body temperature is 98.6.
The cause is the very high temperature.