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Balinese, Oriental Shorthair, Javanese, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Siberian, and Sphynx. :)

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Q: What cats to own if you are allergic to their saliva?
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Which cat is best for somebody with allergies?

If you have an allergic reaction to dandruff and or fur the best cat you would want to get is a Siberian Cat. I know it sounds weird but check out google and type in "cat without dander." Answer If someone has allergic reactions to cats it's usually because of cats saliva. Cats spend most of their time grooming themselves that their saliva gets and clings on their fur. So people with allergies to cats are not allergic to the cats fur, but to their cats saliva. I suggest to a person with allergies to cats to get a Spynx ( a hairless breed of cat) or an American Shorthair. These are the best breeds of cats for people who have allergies.

Which is more allergenic cats or golden retrievers?

cats (well it depends), because they lick their fur and the saliva on the fur flakes off and goes into the air and people r allergic to the saliva not the fur.

Why do some people hate cats?

because they are probably 1) scared of them or 2) allergic to them. if you didn't know, when you are allergic to a cat, you are actually allergic to their saliva, because the cats lick themselves and their spit gets all over their hair. See Why do people hate cats for a much better answer.

How do you know if you are allgert to cats?

If you are allergic you may have these symptoms: coughing, wheezing, chest tightening, itching, nasal congestion, rash, watering eyes, sneezing and similar symptoms. Most people are allergic to their cats saliva or skin.

Why are prople allergic to cats?

The primary allergen is a protein called Fel d 1 that is produced by cat saliva and sebaceous glands, which causes either an allergic or asthmatic response.

What is Niall Horan allergic to?

He is said to be allergic to cats.

Are cats allergic to cashews?

No, cats are not allergic to cashews.

Can cats be allergic to daffodils?

Yes, cats can be allergic to daffodils.

Can cats be allergic to lemons?

No, cats cannot be allergic to lemons.

Can cats be allergic to nuts?

No, cats cannot be allergic to nuts.

If someone is allergic to cat are they allergic to parakeets?

Not quite; unless the person has multiple allergies ; which is possible. But when the people are allergic to cats most of the time is not the cat hair. What makes somebody to be allergic to cats is actually the saliva that the cat use to clean themselves and ends on his hair. Which at the end the cat is the one that carries it. Well saying this parakeets are birds and flap their winds a lot ; but they don't have the elements of the saliva's cat. Actually birds have a very clean beaks and tongue that some can die from human mouth contact (kiss). Perhaps the person can be allergic to the feathers. But like I said is very likely to be allergic to both...

Are people who are allergic to household cats allergic to big cats?

Yes, I'm prety sure of that. Peolple who are alergic to cats are allergic to any cats!